Epic Discussions (6th-12th Grade) @9am

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 in our senior high room downstairs as we live life together and dig deeper into the word.

Find answers to questions about faith, God, and our on lives.

What we want students to learn: That building a lasting faith starts with embracing our new life in Christ.
What we want students to do with what they’ve learned: To articulate their goals and desires for the next year of growth in their faith.


We provide many opportunities to serve our community. Watch for the next event!
Some of our past service projects have included yard work and raking leaves for those who can't do it themselves, shovelling snow, and going to local laundromats with coins to pay for laundry.  This is a great time to build relationships while we help those in need.

Connect (6th-12th Grade) @6pm

Connect is a place where Students in grades 6-12 will feel welcomed and included.  With a wide variety of activities available, there’s something for everyone! From lock-ins to game nights to week-long conferences, we pack in the fun while maintaining our focus on Jesus and His word.

For the most up to date information follow us 

on Facebook and Instagram @epicgcc


Contact Jarred White through e-mail